Tuesday, July 31, 2012

5 days and counting...

 Hi everyone... welcome to blog documenting our epic journey out West.  Right now we are in the final planning/prep phase (you can see Kate plotting over breakfast at left).  

We're not planning too much, though... we're going 'hippie style' once we hit the Coast.  (Sean K says it's not really hippie style, since our tent will be an absolute last resort, but whatevs.)  Here's what we know so far...

We're going to take about a week to get to the coast from Dodgeville (WI, where we live), passing through (and stopping at, and fishing in) some prime trout country.  Badlands, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, assorted giant balls of string, and the Rockies lay in wait. 

Then we're going to work our way down the coast--all the way.  Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, redwood country, wine country, Santa Barbara, LA, and Kate's fave San Diego, and a bunch of stuff in between. 

Then we head back, probably stopping at the Grand Canyon and Santa Fe if we haven't stopped speaking to each other after 100+ hours in the car :)

We're psyched, no doubt about it.  Feel free to follow, comment, make place rec's, etc.  Only 5 more days...
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