Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 5: Trouts and Toes

No travel today, as Kate and I indulged some of our favorite pastimes: fly fishing and getting pedicures.  Not together, of course.  

I'll skip showing you pics of Kate's pedicure, although the 'nail technician' did have some colorful quotes.  Among other things, she told a story about how they keep catching grizzlies and moving them down to Jackson Hole, and Jackson Hole catches and releases the same bears in Yellowstone, then they end up back in Cody.  She called this "trading troubled bears".

I headed out with Rick of Northfork Anglers on the north fork of the Shoshone River, about halfway between Cody and Yellowstone.  We had company during the trip

These are apparently the tracks of a smaller grizzly
Rick kept referring to a grizzly as a 'griz', which made me wonder what DotCom's tracks would look like.  I had a good day fishing, and learned some stuff on a beautiful stretch of river.

Nice little Rainbow Trout
14" Cutthroat Trout.  It's a really big net.
15" 'Cuttbow', a Rainbow /Cutthroat hybrid
Cutthroats are the native local trout.  Years ago, Rainbows were stocked there (they are really only native to the Pacific Northwest). The Cuttbow is a mix of these two fish.

Rick was awesome, except that he really wanted me catch a huge fish, and I was pretty excited about the 'average' fish I was catching.

We kind of took it easy for the rest of the day.  We did check out Old West town, a collection of old building from Wyoming and Montana including a saloon where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid hung out, as well as their cabin.

Wild west town
Dinner was at Cassie's, the local roadhouse.  
Cassie's honky-tonk dancefloor
Buffalo Ribs (we're just not good food bloggers)

A nice local (Montana) IPA
There were dance lessons at Cassie's.  While we agreed with the instructor that line dancing was lame, he politely declined to teach us anything about breakdancing.  We went back to our deck early to watch the sunset, but it was strangely obscured by the smoke from a wildfire in Idaho.  Unfortunately, we don't have any good shots of this.

Tomorrow: Yellowstone

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