Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 19: The Redwoods

We wake up in Brookings, OR to the sounds of waves crashing on the beach.

I had an early morning phone call, so James went fishing. He had a great time and caught 2 small fish, but sorry folks... no pictures... the fish "jumped out of his hand too quickly". Yeah. When he returned, we packed the car once again (around 11:30am) and remembered we didn't eat any breakfast!

I do a quick Yelp search that leads us here to Mattie's Pancake and Omelette House. I asked the waitress if breakfast or lunch was better. She was very very strong with her answer. She said "breakfast. Get the French Toast." She said it in a voice that scared me. I was like- I better get the french toast. I got the "senior special" not because I am old, but because it was a half portion. 1 egg, 1 piece of french toast, 2 pieces of bacon. James got the corned beef hash.  It came with hash browns. I brokered a deal before our food got there- 1/2 of my french toast piece for 1/2 of James' hash browns. I felt successful. All of our food was absolutely unbelievable. The french toast was the best I ever had. It was somehow a little crisp on the outside and flavorful on the inside. I think they made a deal with the devil. If you ever find yourself in Brookings, OR- stay at the Best Western and go to Mattie's. That alone would be worth the trip.

Mattie's- amazing breakfast
Inside View
We left satiated and super-excited to see the redwoods. For those who don't know, redwoods are huge trees.

We start with a single lane, dirt trail to see the Oregon Redwoods. Single lane... but 2 way traffic.

We saw this flower/ weed on the drive up to see the redwoods. It is my new favorite flower... there is a $1 reward to anyone who can tell me what it is called. 

We finally get to the top of the 4 mile drive that takes 20 minutes and decide to do a short hike.

They were large... but it doesn't look like much without scale (this is where one of our many friends would insert the joke 'that's what she said')

To give you a scale on the size of the trees

James has wanted to see the redwoods since he was a little kid... can you tell?

It was pretty cool.... but we hear there are more redwoods in California. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Mile 3407: California Border

We finally say goodbye to Oregon. We will miss you!!!

But hellooooo California! This is the first state on our road trip that we have both been to before... but never this far north. 

We make a pit stop at the visitor center to make sure we hit all of the best redwood spots. They tell us about the best place ever to see whales. The park rangers assure us they saw many whales there just hours ago. We are told "they are always there". Super-excited, we head up the windy mountain road to check out the whales. Finally, whales!!!

James attempting to whale watch
No whales. Disappointing
OK. Onto the redwoods. I know they can't elude us (unless you believe what you watch on Lord of the Rings)

Mile: 3448: Prairie Creek, Redwood State Park

Self portrait with a redwood

Yes... there were lots of big trees

We decided to take a longer hike... this time in the California redwoods

James next to one of the redwoods- just the roots

This frog and I scared each other. He jumped on my foot...we had a face-off... I think he won

I think this is hemlock, but I am not sure. James kept eating random berries in the forest.... Time for another quick check on that life insurance policy. 

This small waterfall was the main attraction for the hike (aside from the redwoods of course).

We are finally walking off the trail and then I heard some rustling in the woods. Oh no! Another frog? Maybe a bear? No, James is able to see 2 bucks fighting through the trees. I can't see it, but I can hear it. We tried for pictures, but our camera's are too wimpy. For your future reference, it sounds like 2 wooden bats striking each other. James could see a female elk watching. I guess it was hot?

Mile 3498 Eureka

I was ready for civilization after such a long day. James was riding on redwood endorphins. We arrive in Eureka. We thought it was going to be a pretty cool city from the research we did. Wrong.

Not much goes on in Eureka

We had an average dinner at an average place and went back to our average hotel room. Tomorrow: more redwoods- Avenue of the Giants-  and Mendacino, CA.

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